Monday, March 8, 2010

we watched a video that talked about tuning forks today in physics.

and when i was watching some episodes of lost (i'm on season three and it's been about a week and a half!) they had a record player and me being the thinker that i am, thought about it. i honestly don't know how people invented those things, or even thought about it. i mean i'm sure their initial thought was that they wanted to have the amazing music that someone played to be saved and listen to over and over and forever, but how did they manage to actually invent a record? i'm one hundred percent positive that i wouldn't be able to do that. then, dummy me, starring at a tv never even though about how that one worked out. i mean, i guess i may have been told before but because tvs have been around during my entire lifetime so far, i never really thought twice about it. moving talking picture on a screen that SOMETIMES could be happening at the same exact time as the actual event. that's actually pretty intense. that this small video recording device, sometimes called a camera, can just be pointed at whatever it wants and this satellite thingymabob can just send that image.. moving AND talking to wherever it wants to, with the added fact that they need to have this really big glass screen thing in that place where they're sending it. wow, humans really are amazing. thanks, God.

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