Sunday, April 4, 2010

i still remember the Easter morning my dad caught a rabbit.

I thought it was the Easter Bunny. But that's not where I'm going with this post... I still need to pack for Florida. So far, all I've done is carry the suitcase up from the basement to my bedroom; I'd say that's some real progress right there. All in all, I know that waiting to pack this long is my faul, and I know I'm going to have to wait to pack for at least another five hours because of Easter Lunch/Dinner at the grandparent's house with my cousin's and all this great family, blah blah blah. No but really, it is a lot of fun. When we're done eating the men of the family all decide that it's 'sleep on the couch' time and all the lovely ladies decide it's 'clean all the dishes and wash the entire kitchen down before playing a nice game of progressive rummy.' To be clear, my brother also plays cards with us. Our card games usually take about two hours, I can barly handle it. But, before all the exciting events of the day, I figured it might be somewhat helpful for me to at least type out the necessities I need to get together.

1. Nailclippers; because I always hate when I have a hangnail and NOBODY around has a pair of nailclippers for me to use.
2. Clothes (roughly four pairs of shorts; four tshirts; four tank tops; one hoodie; 2493827 pairs of shoes, because that's how i am; bathing suit; socks; underwear; bras)
3. Toothbrush and toothpaste; I could rely on someone elses toothpaste, but usually I dislike the flavor other people use. Therefore, I'm resorting to bring my hefty tube along with me.
4. Razor; I'm going to be in Florida for goodness sake, I need to stay fresh and suave.
5. Make-up, sunscreen, that kinda stuff; because it's important in some ways.
6. Face wash; because i break out like a disco dancer.
7. Pillow and blanket; for the bus ride.
8. Math book, notebook, and Creative writing folder; because I'm a nerd and do my homework when I'm on vacation.
9. Camera; a definite need.
10. iPod charger, phone charger, camera charger
11. Oh yea, my Ipod and phone.
13. Hairties and headbands
14. Tampons
15. Beach towel; yikes, almost forgot to type that one.
16. Pajamas; almost forgot that too.
17. CapriSun, LOTS of CapriSun.
18. Shampoo, conditioner, bodywash
19. Straightener and blowdryer (these are maybes, because I rarely use them anyways)
20. Glasses and contacts

As of right now, I can't think of anything else. But I know I'll probably throw a bunch of junk in my suitcase if there's extra room. Woooo spring break!

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