Monday, June 7, 2010

typical, cliche list

Ten things I wish I could say to ten different people (but don’t say their name):

1. I really wish you would just randomly hold my hand in public so that everyone could see that you like me.
2. I'm sorry I'm rude to you sometimes, but I do love you.
3. Please, never never ever ever take me to a random drinking party again. Especially when I was expecting Steak N' Shake.
4. I'm sorry that I get really nervous when I'm playing golf sometimes, but it's really only when a million eyes are on me. That's my only worry for next year. I'm sorry.
5. Thanks for helping me out a lot with my writing this year, I really appreciate it.
6. You have no idea how much I'm going to miss you next year. Well, maybe you do considering I say it every day.
7. You should schedule me on weekdays, too.
9. I'm sorry, for reals.
10. I hate your guts (Wow, harsh I know, but I wish to say it so I'm being honest).
Nine things about myself:
1. I learned today that the angle of my neck is at about 11 degrees when it should be 45 degrees. And apparently this doesn't happen naturally so I must have undergone some major trauma that somehow I don't remember.
2. I like changing my appearance often. I like change.
3. My room becomes dirty every two days without fail. No kidding.
4. Golfing seriously puts me in a good mood almost all the time.
5. My self confidence level has grown IMMENSELY over the past year.
6. My favorite colors are yellow and purple. And I hate that they're my school colors.
7. I don't like it when my nails are too long.
8. I actually want a boyfriend.
9. My hair looks really good right now.

Eight ways to win my heart:
1. Be original. But be yourself.
2. Hug me even when I don't want to hug you.
3. Have real problems, don't complain about everything though.
4. Tell me the truth, but know what you're allowed to keep from me without it constituting as a lie.
5. Push me around, question me, challenge me, don't just let me win.
6. Bring me random gifts, not flowers.
7. Come with me when I'm doing fun things I enjoy (ex. golfing, movies, walks) and invite me to do fun things with you.
8. Give me time and space when I need it. And I'll definitely give you yours.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. I like him.
2. What was I going to do?
3. Time check.
4. When can I go golfing next?
5. I have to pee.
6. I hope I have enough time to take a nap.
7. I wonder if Jess/Matt are busy..

Six things I do before I fall asleep:
1. Pee
2. PJs
3) Computer
4) Phone
5) Pray
6) Think

Six people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever):
1) Jess
2) Matt
3) Denise
4) Parents/Other family
5) Ashley
6) Allie

Five things almost constantly in your possession:
1. Phone
2. Watch
3. Money or Credit Card
4. Keys
5. Pen or Pencil

Four things you did today:
1. Apples to Apples
2. Nap
3. Chiropractor
4. Shopping

Three places which mean a lot to you:
1. My home
2. My grandparent's farm
2. Target
Two things you want to do before you die:
1. Get married
2. Live

One confession:
1. I'm worried that my writing isn't going to be as awesome in the rest of the world as it was in my creative writing class to my one teacher. Like, I'm scared that every where else I submit something or go to write something is just going to reject and hate everything.

1 comment:

  1. re: one confession
    you're a good writer. don't worry about it.
    easier said than done? yeah. but try, ok?
