Saturday, June 12, 2010

ten things that i hate about today (because i feel like being oh so optimistic)

1. it's official, my best friend is going off to college and i'm going to be stuck here in the world of high school and drama.
2. i watched one tree hill. and even though it's a dopey tv show drama it never ceases to put me in a sad memory kind of mood. so i've been thinking about the certain boy that used to put me on the edge of my seat, with butterflies not only in my stomach but in my nose and feet and throat too.
3. i'm stressed about packing for the mission trip which i leave for tomorrow but just don't have enough time.
4. and my room is messy, again. what gives?
5. i don't know where catch-22 went :(
6. i have to drive so many places today it's obnoxious.
7. i'm breaking out EVERYWHERE. my chin, my forehead, my cheeks. i'm a walking zit.
8. the majority of my friends are taking the act right now, so i don't really have anyone to talk to.
9. Lost is still over, forever. And that'll always get me down. I'm a nerd.
10. ...and the world spins madly on

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